June 2004
Borowski, Tadeusz: This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen
Brautigan, Richard: The Hawkline Monster
García Márquez, Gabriel: "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World"
May 2004
Borges, Jorge Luis: "The Circular Ruins"
Kosinski, Jerzy: The Painted Bird
Williams, Tennessee: A Streetcar Named Desire
April 2004
Falkner, John Meade: The Lost Stradivarius
Hersey, John: A Bell for Adano
Salinger, J. D.: The Catcher in the Rye
March 2004
Faulkner, William: "A Rose for Emily", As I Lay Dying, "Burn Burning"
Hansberry, Lorraine: A Raisin in the Sun
Shakespeare, William: The Tempest
February 2004
Cather, Willa: "A Wagner Matinee"
Hemingway, Ernest: The Old Man and the Sea, "A Simple Enquiry"
Steinbeck, John: Of Mice and Men
January 2004
Fitzgerald, F. Scott: "First Blood", The Great Gatsby
Leskov, Nikolai: "The Sentry"
December 2003
Bierce, Ambrose: "The Coup de Grâce"
Chopin, Kate: "A Pair of Silk Stockings", "Madame Celestin's Divorce", "Wiser than a God"
Leskov, Nikolai: "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District"
November 2003
Salinger, J. D.: "A Perfect Day for Bananafish", "Uncle Wiggly in Connecticut", "Just before the War with the Eskimos"
October 2003
Joyce, James: "Araby"
Mansfield, Katharine: "The Apple Tree"
Poe, Edgar Allan: "The Fall of the House of Usher"
Updike, John: "Ace in the Hole", "Lifeguard"
Wetherell, W. D.: "The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant"
September 2003
Irving, Washington: "Rip Van Winkle"
Melville, Herman: Billy Budd
Thoreau, Henry David: "Life without Principle"
August 2003
Lewis, Sinclair: "Speed", "The Kidnapped Memorial", "The Hack Driver"
July 2003
Doyle, Arthur Conan: "A Scandal in Bohemia"
Gorky, Maxim: "Boless"
Gunnarsson, Gunnar: The Good Shepherd, Ships in the Sky
Karlsson, Kristján: Halldór Kiljan Laxness
Mérimée, Prosper: "How We Stormed the Fort"
The Qur'an
Shaara, Jeff: Rise to Rebellion
Strindberg, August: "Love and Bread"
June 2003
Lagerkvist, Pär: Herod and Mariamne, Pilgrim at Sea
Laxness, Halldór: The Fish Can Sing
Mérimée, Prosper: "The Viccolo of Madam Lucrezia", "The Spanish Witches", "Tamango"
O'Brien, Tim: July July, If I Die in a Combat Zone, Tomcat in Love, "The Vietnam in Me", The Nuclear Age
May 2003
Aicard, Jean: "The Vase of Clay"
Balzac, Honoré de: "The Elixir of Life", "A Passion in the Desert"
Bazin, Rene: "The Birds in the Letter-Box"
Borges, Jorge Luis: "The Circular Ruins"
Bourget, Paul: "The Age for Love"
Coppée, François: "A Piece of Bread"
Dahl, Roald: "Lamb to the Slaughter", "A Dip in the Pool"
De Musset, Alfred: "Croisilles"
Dumas, Alexandre: "Solange: Dr. Ledru's Story of the Reign of Terror"
Erckmann-Chatrian: "A Forest Betrothal"
Halévy, Ludovic: "My Nephew Joseph"
Hugo, Victor: " A Fight with a Cannon"
Kock, Paul de: "The Guilty Secret"
Laxness, Halldór: "New Iceland", The Atom Station
Le Sage, Alain-René: "Gil Blas and Dr. Sangrado"
Malamud, Bernard: "The Magic Barrel"
Murger, Henry: "The Passage of the Red Sea"
Plath, Sylvia: The Bell Jar
Prevost, Marcel: "The Woman and the Cat"
Vidocq, Eugene-François: "Jean Monette"
Voltaire: "Zadig the Babylonian"
Williams, Tennessee: A Streetcar Named Desire
Wright, Richard: "Fire and Cloud"
Zola, Emile: "Jean Gourdon's Four Days"
April 2003
Addison, Joseph: "Constantia and Theodosius"
Anonymous: "The Story of Audunn and the Bear"
Barthelme, Donald: "See the Moon?"
Bellow, Saul: "The Gonzaga Manuscripts"
Björnson, Björnstjerne: "The Father"
Boccaccio, Giovanni: "The Story of Griselda"
Bunner, Henry Cuyler: "A Sisterly Scheme"
Capote, Truman: "Jug of Silver"
Coppée, François: "The Substitute"
Dickens, Charles: "A Child's Dream of a Star"
Dilke, Christopher, E. M. Forster, A. E. Coppard, & James Laver: "Three Courses and a Dessert: Being a New and Gastronomic Version of the Old Game of Consequences"
Fitzgerald, F. Scott: "The Baby Party"
Forster, E. M.: "The Classical Annex", "The Torque", "The Other Boat"
Friðjónsson, Guðmundur: "The Old Hay"
García Márquez, Gabriel: "Eva Is Inside Her Cat"
Garland, Hamlin: "Under the Lion's Paw"
Gunnarsson, Gunnar: "Father and Son"
Hagalín, Guðmunder G.: "The Fox Skin"
Halévy, Ludovic: "The Insurgent"
Hurst, James: "The Scarlet Ibis"
Irving, Washington: "The Stout Gentleman"
Kvaran, Einar H.: "A Dry Spell"
Lamb, Charles: "Dream-Children: A Reverie"
Lewis, Sinclair: "Young Man Axelbrod"
Malamud, Bernard: "The Magic Barrel"
Maugham, W. Somerset: "The Book-Bag"
Mérimée, Prosper: "Mateo Falcone", Colomba, "The Blue Room", Carmen
Milburn, George: "A Student in Economics"
Parker, Dorothy: "Big Blonde", "A Telephone Call"
Plomer, William: "The Child of Queen Victoria"
Powers, J. F.: "Lions, Harts, Leaping Does", "The Valiant Woman"
Roth, Philip: "Defender of the Faith"
Salinger, J. D.: The Catcher in the Rye
Saroyan, William: "The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze"
Shaw, Irwin: "Gunners' Passage", "Strawberry Ice Cream Soda"
Stegner, Wallace: "Beyond the Glass Mountain"
Stevenson, Robert Louis: "Markheim"
Trausti, Jón: "When I Was on the Frigate"
Woolf, Virginia: "Monday or Tuesday", "The String Quartet", "A Society"
March 2003
Faulkner, William: As I Lay Dying
Forster, E.M.: "The Story of a Panic", "The Other Side of the Hedge", "The Celestial Omnibus", "Other Kingdom", "The Curate's Friend", "The Road from Colonus", "The Machine Stops", "The Point of It", "The Eternal Moment", "Ansell", "Albergo Empedocle", "The Purple Envelope", "The Helping Hand", "The Rock", "The Life to Come", "Dr. Woolacott", "Arthur Snatchfold", "The Obelisk", "What Does It Matter? A Morality"
Wilder, Thornton: The Bridge of San Luis Rey
February 2003
Dickens, Charles: "The Signal-Man"
Hawthorne, Nathaniel: "Ethan Brand"
O. Henry: "Phoebe"
Lagerkvist, Pär: "The Marriage Feast", "Father and I", "The Adventure", "A Hero's Death", "The Venerated Bones", "Saviour John", "The Experimental World", "The Lift that Went Down into Hell", "Love and Death", "The Basement", "The Princess and All the Kingdom", "Paradise", "The Children's Campaign", "On the Scales of Osiris", "The Strange Country", "God's Little Traveling Salesman", "The Masquerade of Souls", "The Myth of Mankind"
Malamud, Bernard: "Take Pity"
McNulty, John: "Don't Scrub off These Names"
O'Connor, Flannery: "Good Country People"
Powers, J. F.: "The Forks"
Rosenfeld, Isaac: "The Hand that Fed Me"
Rowson, Martin: The Wasteland
Steinbeck, John: The Red Pony, Of Mice and Men, The Pearl, Cup of Gold, In Dubious Battle, Travels with Charley, The Short Reign of Pippin IV, "The White Quail"
Swanson, C. Denby: "Governing Alice"
Taylor, Peter: "Rain in the Heart"
Welty, Eudora: "A Worn Path"
January 2003
Aichinger, Ilse: "The Bound Man"
Babel, Isaac: "The Story of My Dovecot"
Benét, Stephen Vincent: "The Curfew Tolls", "A Tooth for Paul Revere"
Bierce, Ambrose: "The Coup de Grâce"
Böll, Heinrich: "The Man with the Knives"
Boyle, Kay: "Winter Night"
Cather, Willa: "A Wagner Matinee"
Chekhov, Anton: "An Upheaval"
Chesterton, G. K.: "The Invisible Man"
Coates, Robert M.: "The Law"
Collier, John: "The Chaser"
Conrad, Joseph: "Youth"
Day, Clarence: "Father Wakes up the Village"
Dunsany, Lord: "The Ghosts"
Forster, E. M.: "The Other Side of the Hedge", "The Story of the Siren"
Gaiser, Gerd: "The Game of Murder"
Graves, Robert: "The Shout"
O. Henry: "The Man Higher up", "Mammon and the Archer"
Hildesheimer, Wolfgang: "A World Ends"
Huber, Heinz: "The New Apartment"
Huxley, Aldous: "The Giaconda Smile"
James, Henry: "Brooksmith"
Johnson, Josephine: "Fever Flower"
Kipling, Rudyard: "Mary Postgate"
Mann, Thomas: "Gladius Dei"
Maugham, W. Somerset: "A String of Beads"
Mayne, Ethel Colburn: "The Man of the House"
Mencken, H. L.: "A Girl from Red Lion, P.A."
Milburn, George: "The Apostate"
Nossack, Hans Erich: "The Meeting in the Hallway"
O'Connor, Fran: "The Man of the House"
O'Hara, J.: "Graven Image"
Parker, Dorothy: "The Standard of Living", "Clothe the Naked"
Pirandello, Luigi: "The Cat, a Goldfinch, and the Stars"
Porter, Katherine Anne: "Theft", "Rope"
Pritchett, V. S.: "The Saint", "Sense of Humour", "The Image Trade", "A Trip to the Seaside", "A Careless Widow", "Cocky Olly", "Things", "A Change of Policy"
Pushkin, Alexander: "The Shot"
Saki, "The Schartz-Metterklume Method"
Saroyan, William: "The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse", "Romance"
Schnitzler, Arthur: "The Death of a Bachelor"
Shaw, Irwin: "Main Currents of American Thought"
Steegmuller, Francis: "The Foreigner"
Steele, Wilbur Daniel: "How Beautiful with Shoes"
Stevenson, Robert Louis: "Thrawn Janet", "Will o' the Mill"
Taylor, Peter: "Reservations: A Love Story"
Trilling, Lionel: "Of This Time, of That Place"
Updike, John: "The Doctor's Wife"
Von Kleist, Heinrich: "The Earthquake in Chile"
Warner, Sylvia Townsend: "The Phoenix"
Wilson, Edmund: "The Man Who Shot Snapping Turtles"
Woolf, Virginia: "A Haunted House"
December 2002
Agee, James: "The Morning Watch"
Benn, Gottfried: "The Conquest"
Büchner, Georg: "Lenz"
Hemingway, Ernest: The Old Man and the Sea
Lawrence, D. H.: "England, My England", "The Blind Man", "Monkey Nuts", "Wintry Peacock", "You Touched Me", "Samson and Delilah", "The Primrose Path", "Fanny and Annie", "The Princess", "Two Blue Birds", "Sun", "The Woman Who Rode Away"
London, Jack: "To Build a Fire"
Rilke, Rainer Maria: "Gym Period"
Shaara, Jeff: Gods and Generals
Stifter, Adalbert: "Brigitta"
Walser, Robert: "A Village Tale"
November 2002
Chopin, Kate: "A Pair of Silk Stockings"
Crane, Stephen: The Red Badge of Courage
Fitzgerald, F. Scott: "The Lost Decade", "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", "Dice, Brassknuckles & Guitar", "Absolution", "Rags Martin-Jones and the Pr-nce of W-les", "'The Sensible Thing'", "Love in the Night", "Jacob's Ladder", "Afternoon of an Author", "A Short Trip Home", "The Bowl", "The Captured Shadow", "Basil and Cleopatra", "The Last of the Belles", "Majesty", "At Your Age", The Great Gatsby, "Financing Finnegan", "The Swimmers", "Two Wrongs", "'Boil Some Water-Lots of It'", "Last Kiss", "Dearly Beloved", "Six of One-"
Heym, George: "The Autopsy"
Keller, Gottfried: "A Little Legend of the Dance"
Powers, J. F.: "The Eye"
Von Hofmannsthal, Hugo: "A Tale of the Cavalry"
October 2002
Aiken, Conrad: "Silent Snow, Secret Snow"
Alfau, Felipe: "The Beggar"
Arderius, Joaquin: "The Bath of Death"
Bellow, Saul: "Looking for Mr. Green"
Bennett, Peggy: "And I Am Black, but O My Soul Is White"
Bierce, Ambrose: "The Boarded Window"
Calisher, Hortense: "In Greenwich There Are Many Graveled Walks"
Clark, Walter Van Tilburg: "The Wind and the Snow of Winter", "Hook"
Faulkner, William: "Wash"
Garland, Hamlin: "Mrs. Ripley's Trip"
Goyen, William: "The White Rooster"
Hardy, Thomas: "What the Shepherd Saw", "The Waiting Supper"
Horgan, Paul: "To the Mountains"
March, William: "The Little Wife"
O. Henry: "A Municipal Report"
O'Hara, John: "Over the River and through the Wood"
Pirandello, Luigi: "The Jar"
Poe, Edgar Allan: "The Fall of the House of Usher"
Porter, Katherine Anne: "The Downward Path to Wisdom"
Steele, Wilbur Daniel: "The Man Who Saw through Heaven"
Steinbeck, John: "The Snake"
Thurber, James: "The Catbird Seat"
Twain, Mark: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, "Baker's Bluejay Yarn"
Welty, Eudora: "Powerhouse"
Wharton, Edith: "Roman Fever"
September 2002
Hardy, Thomas: "How I Built Myself a House", "Destiny and a Blue Cloak", "The Thieves Who Couldn't Help Sneezing", "An Indiscretion in the Life of an Heiress", "Old Mrs. Chundle", "The Doctor's Legend", "Our Exploits at West Poley", "For Conscience' Sake", "A Tryst at an Ancient Earth Work", "A Committee Man of 'The Terror'", "A Changed Man", "A Few Crusted Characters", "A Tragedy of Two Ambitions", "A Mere Interlude", "The Duke's Reappearance", "A Tradition of Eighteen Hundred and Four", "Interlopers at the Knap", "Fellow-Townsmen", "Enter a Dragoon", "Master John Horseleigh, Knight", "Alicia's Diary", "The Son's Veto", "To Please His Wife", "The Melancholy Hussar", "On the Western Circuit", "The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid"
Hardy, Thomas & Florence Dugdale: "Blue Jimmy: The Horse Stealer", "The Unconquerable"
Hardy, Thomas & Florence Henniker: "The Spectre of the Real"
Hawthorne, Nathaniel: The Scarlet Letter
Irving, Washington: "Rip Van Winkle"
Maugham, W. Somerset: "The Letter"
Myriveles, Strates: "The Chronicle of an Old Rose-Tree"
August 2002
Asimov, Isaac: "All the Troubles of the World"
Averchenko, Arcadii: "The Young Man Who Flew Past"
Babel, Isaac: "The Awakening"
Beckett, Samuel: "Stories and Tests for Nothing, III"
Bierce, Ambrose: "One Kind of Officer"
Bobrick, Sam: Hamlet II: Better than the Original
Böll, Heinrich: "My Melancholy Face"
Borges, Jorge Luis: "The Secret Miracle"
Buchanan, Cynthia: "The Wind Chandelier"
Capek, Karel: "The Last Judgment"
Cassill, R. V.: "How I Live through Times of Trouble"
Cather, Willa: Alexander's Bridge
Christie, Agatha: "The Double Clue"
Doyle, Arthur Conan: "The Musgrave Ritual"
Faulkner, William: "Mule in the Yard"
Fitzgerald, F. Scott: "The Long Way Out"
Görling, Lars: "Opus Dei"
Greene, Graham: "Brother"
Hammett, Dashiell: "The Gatewood Caper"
Handke, Peter: "Abstraction of the Ball that Fell in the River"
Harrison, William: "The Good Ship Erasmus"
Hawthorne, Nathaniel: "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment"
Hesse, Hermann: "The Poet"
Hughes, Ted: "Snow"
James, Henry: "Europe"
Kafka, Franz: "Jackals and Arabs"
Kelley, William Melvin: dem, A Drop of Patience, "The Only Man on Liberty Street", "Enemy Territory", "Not Exactly Lena Horne", "Aggie", "Saint Paul and the Monkeys", "What Shall We Do with the Drunken Sailor?", "Christmas with the Great Man", "Connie", "The Servant Problem", "Brother Carlyle", "The Life You Save", "A Good Long Sidewalk", "The Most Beautiful Legs in the World", "Cry for Me"
Kesey, Ken: One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
Kipling, Rudyard: "At Twenty-Two"
Lagerkvist, Pär: The Dwarf
Landolfi, Tommaso: "Wedding Night"
Leonard, Joann R.: "All the World's a Stage I"
Lessing, Doris: "A Sunrise on the Veld"
Mann, Thomas: "At the Prophet's"
McCullers, Carson: The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
McDonough, Jerome: "Postlude"
McPherson, James Alan: "Of Cabbages and Kings"
Molière: "Sganarelle"
Moravia, Alberto: "The Automaton"
Móricz, Zsigmond: "Everything Is Good at the End of the World"
Mrozek, Slawomir: "Check!"
O. Henry: "Jeff Peters: A Personal Magnet"
O'Connor, Frank: "Christmas Morning"
Perry, E. Eugene: "Once upon a Beginning"
Pirandello, Luigi: "The Tortoise"
Pritchett, V. S.: "Many Are Disappointed"
Rayfield, James: "The Five Pound Sack"
Robbe-Grillet, Alain: "The Secret Room"
Rosenfeld, Isaac: "The Brigadier"
Sartre, Jean-Paul: "The Wall"
Stone, Robert: "Aquarius Obscured"
Trollope, Anthony: "Malachi's Cove"
Twain, Mark: "The Californian's Tale"
Wells, John S.: "Competition Piece"
Wharton, Edith: "The Line of Least Resistance"
Woolf, Virginia: "The Duchess and the Jeweler"
Zamiatin, Evgeny: We
Zulia, Ernest: Robert Fulghum's All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten
July 2002
Böll, Heinrich: Billiards at Half Past Nine
Catron, Louis E.: "Where Have All the Lightning Bugs Gone?"
Clark, Walter Van Tilburg: "The Rapids"
Dostoevsky, Fyodor: "A Christmas Tree and a Wedding"
Faulkner, William: As I Lay Dying
Fitzgerald, F. Scott: The Great Gatsby
Foster, Norm: Wrong for Each Other
Godden, Rumer: The River
Hardy, Thomas: A Pair of Blue Eyes
Hemingway, Ernest: A Farewell to Arms, A Moveable Feast, The Old Man and the Sea
Hughes, Langston: "Who's Passing for Who?"
Katims, Jason: "Who Made Robert DeNiro King of America?"
Lawrence, D. H.: The Ladybird
Miller, Arthur: Death of a Salesman
Moore, George: "Home Sickness"
O'Neill, Eugene: Long Day's Journey into Night
Salinger, J. D.: The Catcher in the Rye
Seth, Vikram: The Golden Gate
Steinbeck, John: Of Mice and Men, "The Chrysanthemums"
Tolstoy, Leo: "After the Dance"
Updike, John: "The Astronomer"
Verga, Giovanni: "Consolation"
Wells, H. G.: The New Machiavelli
Welty, Eudora: "Livvie"
West, Nathaniel: Miss Lonelyhearts
June 2002
Crane, Stephen: The Red Badge of Courage
Hawthorne, Nathaniel: The Scarlet Letter
Jewett, Sarah Orne: "The Only Rose"
Lawrence, D. H.: "Tickets, Please"
Orwell, George: Burmese Days
Twain, Mark: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Updike, John: "Walter Briggs"
Walker, Alice: The Color Purple
Warren, Robert Penn: All the King's Men
May 2002
Anderson, Sherwood: "Unlighted Lamps"
Chekhov, Anton: "A Trifle from Real Life", "The New Villa"
Conrad, Joseph: "Amy Foster"
Crane, Stephen: "A Mystery of Heroism"
Faulkner, William: "Dry September", "Shingles for the Lord"
Freeman, Mary Wilkins: "A Village Singer"
James, Henry: "Four Meetings", "The Middle Years"
Kafka, Franz: "The Hunter Gracchus"
Kipling, Rudyard: "The Gardener"
Lagerkvist, Pär: Barabbas, "The Evil Angel", "A Hero's Death"
Lawrence, D. H.: "Smile", "The Horse Dealer's Daughter"
Lermontov, Mikhail: A Hero of Our Time
Mann, Thomas: "The Infant Prodigy", "Little Herr Friedemann"
Maupassant, Guy de: The Errant Life
O'Connor, Frank: "Uprooted", "Judas"
Tieck, Ludwig: "Fair Eckbert"
Voltaire: Candide
Last updated: July 17, 2004
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